About Us

About Us

Dan danielle
Dr. Dan Wilson 

Dr. Wilson fulfilled his life-long dream of becoming a veterinarian by graduating from Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine in 1994 at the age of 24.  Dr. Wilson began his veterinary career in Michigan, then moved to North Carolina in 1998, working for the State Veterinarian.  Dr. Wilson previously practiced locally with Port City Animal Hospital, and A Country Veterinary Clinic in WIlmington where he became more known as Dr. Dan.  Dan is looking forward to operating a clinic with the focus being on serving people by helping their furry family members at an affordable price.

Dan is married to his college sweetheart, Danielle, who is also the hospital manager.  Dan and Danielle have been married since 1994 and have 4 adult children, 2 of which are married, and 1 sweet grandbaby.  They are actively involved at Eastwood Community Church in Wilmington. When Dan is not working, he enjoys sailing and restoring classic cars.

Dr. Dan’s veterinary mission is to offer quality medicine at a price that anyone can afford.

Danielle Wilson

Danielle was born and raised in Eastern Pennsylvania before heading to college at Purdue, where she met and married Dr. Wilson. She has a Master’s degree in Audiology from Western Michigan University, but happily retired to tend to their four children. She has worked on and off over the years as a mom, office manager and vet assistant and enjoys working alongside Dan whenever the opportunity arises.  She enjoys a variety of crafts and local antique shopping. Danielle enjoys working with Dan in order to bring heart-felt, care and compassion to both owners and their pets. 

Quality Pet Care
Why Choose Pet Vet on Main?

Get answers to our most common questions.
Frequently Asked Questions

We believe in educating and empowering our customers to become the best pet owners they can be. Here are just a few of the most commonly asked questions we receive. 

1 - Does my pet have a fever?
A normal temperature for cats and dogs is 101.5 °F. Fever is typically present at 102.5 °F. As with humans, however, "normal" temperatures can differ from pet to pet. 

2 - What are some signs that my pet is in pain or feeling ill?
Unusual behaviors such as hiding, biting, crying, lethargy and not eating could be indications that something may not be right with your pet's health. It's best to make an appointment for a wellness visit as soon as possible.

3 - Can I feed my dog human food?
Perhaps. Some foods that humans eat are very healthy for dogs, however other examples (such as grapes, onions and chocolate) can be poisonous. To be safe, it's best to stick with foods that are made and sold specifically as pet food. 

4 - How often should I schedule a wellness exam?
It's best that your pet receives a physical wellness examination at least once a year to identify any potential problems your pet may be developing. Please contact us if you would like to make an appointment.


Your Pet Deserves the Best!

At Pet Vet on Main, we care about your pet's wellness, and adhere to the highest standards of professionalism,
ethics and personal responsibility worthy of your trust.
Contact Us Today!
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